Category Archives: Hollow Sun
GUI Shell
Modular Toolkit
“Cronk-O-tron is part of a new series of ‘MLM Lite’ products I’ll be banging out from time to time for ‘cup of coffee’ prices.
Cronk-O-Tron (as the name suggests) is a cheap and cheerful thing with a dark and crusty old tone. It’s made up of layers of stuff carefully blended to create a vintage/retro kind of strings/voice pad sound – lo-fi and wobbly.
It’s extensively multi-sampled in stereo and each sample was recorded for a minute before having long and luxurious loops applied that allow the sound to ‘breathe’.
GUI Shell
GUI Shell
“The Shell is a unique thing in that it’s an empty Kontakt instrument which allows YOU to put YOUR samples into it and have a fully functional, professionally scripted and designed panel at your disposal for sonic tweakage. Ideal if you make your own samples/sounds but aren’t able to do scripting or find it difficult.
Scripting IS very complicated if you’re not that way inclined … like myself … which is why we have our own resident scriptmeister in the form of the enviably gifted Mario Krušelj here at HS Towers. Let’s face it, Kontakt scripting can be very complicated even if you ARE that way inclined! Continue reading GUI Shell
“We’ve recently been in touch with a regular Hollow Sun customer, James Gardner, originally a Liverpudlian and now resident in New Zealand who shares a common interest of ours in early electronica to the point that he made an excellent series series on it for RadioNZ. Continue reading H1
Modular Toolkit
Modular Toolkit
“Pride of place in the Music Lab here at HS Towers is the modular synth system…
With three VCOs (voltage controlled oscillators), a multi-mode filter, a creamy transistor ladder filter, two VCAs (voltage controlled amplifiers), two envelope generators, a white/pink/LF noise source, clipper, signal processor and rectifier, she makes a glorious noise and being true analogue, all sorts of non-linearities exist in the sounds that make them curiously organic with depth, richness and movement.
We have taken some choice sounds from her for the Modular Toolkit MLM…
All manner of drones, sweeps, swoops, blips, bleeps, bloops, noiise ‘uplifters’ and swooshes, shrieking FM and ring mod FX, etc., and complex sounds which the modular generated on its own, have been laid out across the keyboard so you can have this ‘toolkit’ of sounds at your finger tips to use in almost any modern musical genre. Furthermore, each sound is individually editable from tuning, level, pan, pitch mod, filter, shaping and bit crushing through to individual sample start editing complete with a waveform display.
The sounds then feed a comprehensive multi-FX comprising chorus, phase shifter, echo and convolved reverb featuring a wide range of impulses from halls and room to plates and spring reverbs and lush anbiences….
Whatever aspect of modern music making you’re involved in, whether your a top Hollywood scorer or a more modest bedroom producer and irrespective of your musical style, you will find the Modular Toolkit an invaluable addition to your sonic arsenal for injecting some modular madness into your works.
“Back in 1856, a genius was born in Croatia. He was called Nikola Tesla. ‘Genius’ is a word too often bandied about these days but Tesla certainly was one and many of his maverick inventions, designs and patents influence our lives today.
He pioneered AC motors/generators, was dabbling with radio, radio control and X-ray, had run-ins with Thomas Edison who couldn’t see Tesla’s unique vision, put forward ideas and patents for the wireless transmission of electrical power and much, much more. A bit of a stubborn and awkward bugger by all accounts but a true visionary. whose work, as I say, still has ramifications in our modern world, our AC electrical power we all take for granted being just one of them.
But another of his inventions/patents was his ‘Tesla Coils’ in 1891.