“Hive 2: Sleek, streamlined, supercharged

Hive’s clear layout and easy workflow let you create stunning patches in next to no time at all. Although surprisingly CPU-friendly, Hive doesn’t sacrifice flexibility or audio quality. Now packed with more controls than ever, version 2 opens up new dimensions of expression… and sheer fun!

Low CPU usage, 3 different synth engines
2 oscillators with standard waveforms or 2D wavetables, up to 16x unison, tunable sub-oscillators
Drag & drop modulation assignment
12×2 modulation matrix slots with modifiers for curvature, rectification, quantization, sample & hold, slew rate
4 user-definable XY control pads

Arpeggiator, step sequencer with real-time recording
Unique 8-step shape sequencer with 4 independent outputs
2 function generators which can serve as extra envelopes, gate generators, LFOs, slew limiters
7 rearrangeable effects: distortion, chorus, delay, phaser, EQ, reverb, compressor
Panel presets for oscillators, filters, envelopes, LFOs, sequencer, FX and modulation matrix

Solo buttons let you audition individual oscillators and filters during sound design
Scope to view the audio output or any modulation signal, with freeze option and zoom controls
Microtuning support (.tun files)
2000+ NKS-ready factory presets by some of our favourite sound designers, many more available online
Resizable UI from 70% to 200%”



“Super fast, super sounds!

Hive was made to be fast and simple. The streamlined single screen UI lets you dive into sound creation immediately. A fluid workflow invites you to tweak away until your sound is just right (or wrong in just the right way). Hive was engineered to be light on CPU, and won’t slow you down while you work. But being “fast and simple” doesn’t mean we’ve sacrificed sound quality or creative control – Hive is packed with features, controls and enough flexibility to deliver stunning sounds.

Whatever your style from dance to ambient, progressive rock to R&B—Hive is the right tool for the job: a lightweight synth that delivers a heavyweight sound!


Single page user interface
2,700 presets
2 main oscillators, 2 sub-oscillators
3 synth engine characters (Normal, Dirty, Clean)
Up to 16x unison per oscillator
2 multimode filters (LP, HP, BP, BR or Peak)
Flexible oscillator and filter routing
Solo buttons for individual oscillators and filters
Arpeggiator, step sequencer
12-slot modulation matrix, 2 targets per slot
Drag & drop modulation assignment
Create, save and load individual panel presets
7 quality effects, rearrange in any order
Global configuration overlays, including MIDI learn”