We believe that no human should be excluded from learning any musical instrument, and the modular synthesizer is possibly the most excluding instrument on the planet—even more so than the harp or the marimba—due to its cost. Yet, it is possible to emulate synthesizer modules in software, in both sound and interaction behavior, providing a similar platform for creation that can be equally gratifying as hardware. VCV attempts to solve the problem in this way.
We also believe that innovation is needed in the field of audio synthesis. While it is important to remember concepts from the past so they are not accidentally reinvented, we encourage new ideas through close communication between users and developers, a simple open plugin API, and the allowance of both open- and closed-source plugins to kindle all possible project sizes. The Eurorack movement is an excellent archetype of this model, with most manufacturers preferring new ideas to the old, so a secondary goal of VCV is to bring some of these innovative hardware modules into the hands of software users.”