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The Orchestra

The Orchestra Complete

“The Orchestra Complete V1 – The Next Big Step

This complete bundle comes with over 150 presets – Colors / Rhythms / Animated. It includes the latest version of “The Orchestra”, “Strings Of Winter” and Tuned Percussion in the Ensemble Engine.

An 80-piece orchestra, 60 pristine string articulations, countless ensemble presets and an incredibly expressive set of signature sounds, some from the large vastness of Mongolia, will make your orchestral colors and musical ideas go sky high. Dive into new sounds – some played on the sharp edge of sound.

The Orchestra Complete also introduces a highly requested feature, MIDI Export! Simply drag and drop the MIDI from The Orchestra Complete right into your favourite DAW. You can change notes and rhythms afterwards for every exported clip. Thus making it a breeze to create variations and emotional changes, without overwriting the arpeggiators and envelopes. You can also use those MIDI files with different instruments – even from other sample libraries.”

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Tonica Fugata

Tonica Fugata

Composizione con tonica fugata Lo compongo per te … Composizione automatica in tre e quattro parti (stili: J.S. Bach, Max Reger, Jazz, Pop più creazione di stili personalizzati), armonizzazione automatica, fuga automatica e composizione canonica. Il primo software al mondo per composizioni, canoni, fughe Sai com’è: manca solo un’ora alle prove del coro e avevi intenzione di comporre un’armonia in quattro parti da far cantare al tuo coro … Devi fare i compiti di composizione o un’analisi complicata? tonica fa questo lavoro per te in pochi secondi! tonica compone armonie in quattro parti, canoni, preludi, partite, fughe, standard Jazz e realizza bassi figurati. Mentre altri programmi cercano di indurre gli utenti a pensare di essere compositori dotati con un primitivo accompagnamento automatico, tonica utilizza un approccio completamente diverso: basato su reti neurali, tonica è effettivamente in grado di comporre nello stile dei vecchi maestri. tonica risolverà lo stesso compito in modi diversi. Sarai sorpreso! Come si compone la tonica fugata Componi la melodia di una canzone, un inno, un brano musicale, un canone o una fuga. la tonica fugata fa il resto. Basso figurato per tutti Solo pochi esperti suonano bassi figurati dalla vista. Anche se conosci la “scrittura segreta” non è un compito facile giocarci. tonica fugata fa la decodifica per te … Uno standard jazz in pochissimo tempo! Si entra nella melodia e si lascia che la tonica fugata crei le armonie Jazz. È così facile! tonica ha il ritmo … La tonica fugata viene fornita con ritmici modelli di accompagnamento in diversi stili di musica pop. Insieme alle armonie pop o jazz non otterrai una composizione “rigorosa” ma una canzone fresca e facile (la tonica fugata contiene tutte le funzioni della tonica pop). Valutazione e analisi tonica fugata può aiutarti con i tuoi lavori Valutare le proprie composizioni è facile: il programma è stato progettato per dirti se hai aggiunto le note giuste all’accordo nelle quattro parti, se hai messo le alterazioni al posto giusto e se hai fatto consecutivi proibiti o altro errori durante la composizione degli accordi. Se vuoi valutare una delle tue armonie di esercitazione, non devi far altro che creare due finestre, una contenente il tuo lavoro e l’altra con il file creato da tonica fugata – non potrebbe essere più semplice! I paralleli proibiti vengono visualizzati automaticamente nella notazione. L’analisi degli accordi viene eseguita nella finestra di valutazione. Il tuo assistente di analisi Immagina di trovarti di fronte a un’analisi complicata di un pezzo di notazione musicale e non sei sicuro se un accordo è una setta dominante accorciata o solo una triade sub-dominante estesa. tonica fugata si prenderà cura di tutti i tuoi dubbi con un clic del mouse. tonica fugata è anche in grado di analizzare notazioni esattamente complete, che non contengono indicatori di funzione o di livello, sulla base di un centro tonale. Quindi, se hai mai voluto sapere cosa hai creato tu o altri, prima di presentarlo con orgoglio a un pubblico ignaro, o se hai mai voluto dare un’occhiata ai maestri, allora la funzione di analisi di tonica fugata è lo strumento ideale per te.




“Reinvent Your Music

Transfuser 2 is a dynamic audio/MIDI environment for manipulating, slicing, and remixing your loops and sounds into something entirely new. With a series of real-time controls, Transfuser 2 lets you create and tweak grooves, chop up beats and phrases, time-stretch sounds, re-pitch notes, randomize sequences, and more – all on the fly. Transfuser 2 also acts as an inspiring compositional tool that intelligently generates chords, melodies, variations, and grooves based on a musical analysis of your track. Plus, Transfuser 2 comes with a premium drum and instrument library that includes 3,200+ loops and 1200+ drum machine samples for instant music experimentation.

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“Triebwerk jet-fuels your inimitable productions with supersonic loops and samples that leave a dissonant residue of dancefloor frenzy all over you. Together with flexphrased arpeggios and drum kits, access soaring synth pads, queasy vocals and effects, while the sleek cockpit controls rev up engine to Mach madness. Taking off to new heights, Triebwerk is a sure nod to the now in electronic dance music.

430 presets for pop, electro, house and dance music including more than 700 MB of new sample content
7 new drum kits and additional percussion kits, over 200 new synthesizer sounds, 240 new Flex Phrases and over 170 beats and loops
Attractive macro page for instant access to all major parameters


Triebwerk can be used as an independent instrument in VST 3, VST 2 and AU compatible hosts and as an expansion pack for the HALion library with HALion (version 4.5.3 or higher), HALion Sonic (version 1.6.2 or higher) or HALion Sonic SE* (version 1.6.1 or higher). The instrument installer includes the latest updater for HALion Sonic SE.”




“Trip is a virtual analog synth that comes with three oscillators, a sub oscillator, a ring modulator, and a noise generator.
Accompanied by a flexible filter section that offers 13 different filter shapes and 5 filter modes, Trip provides a highly flexible sound architecture while still being easy to use. With the integrated arpeggiator and step sequencer that comes with 4 different pre-configured arpeggio styles per preset, Trip is a real source of inspiration.”





“Housed within a sleek, ultra-modern interface, Trium is packed with features and options: this virtual analog synth has what it takes to become the centerpiece of your next production. Three multi-oscillators, additional sub, noise and ring oscillators, a great-sounding filter section and an powerful arp module mean that Trium is fully equipped and ready for action. An integrated modulation page puts all the most important sound-shaping parameters at your command, which is very handy considering that there’s so much functionality to explore within the compact interface.”





Fast, powerful kick and bass sound design
Intuitive sequencing and modulation
Powerful performance features and MIDI control


Low end forms the foundation of almost all electronic music, so getting great kick and bass from the start makes all the difference. TRK-01 marries classic mixing techniques with innovative sound design, sequencing, and modulation, so you’re always inspired to write solid and exciting kick-bass combinations. Get your new tracks rolling quicker and sounding bigger than ever before – start with TRK-01. Continue reading TRK-01

Tubes & Wires

Tubes & Wires

“Tubes & Wires is a huge, rusting hulk of a synthesiser, smelling of Bakelite and hot valves, glowing and humming and breathing.

The heart of this synth lies in hundreds of careful hand-tuned samples of three classic vintage signal generators. We chose these bits of ageing scientific lab equipment specifically for their character and crusty goodness: there isn’t a clean trace among them. They’ve been used, and abused, and left in the dusty sheds of men with beards, until we rescued them and made them sing for us. Continue reading Tubes & Wires




“Serious Sound Design

Wrap yourself around Twist 2—the Spectral Morphing Synthesis instrument from SONiVOX. Combining a dynamic interface, an advanced pattern generator, and onboard effects, Twist 2 is your toolkit for serious sound design using simple, time-saving controls. Two swirling sound layers provide unique harmonic controls, forming the foundation for every patch. Common elements include a monstrous multi-mode filter, independent Amp and Filter envelope generators, plus a remarkable LFO that can be sync’d to the current tempo. The onscreen interface is clean and uncluttered; the well-defined controls deliver incredible sound-sculpting abilities, while providing immediate audio results.

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Tyrell N6

Tyrell N6


“Tyrell is the name of a project by the German online magazine Amazona.de. A reader survey and follow-on forum posts provided a pool of ideas for a low-cost HARDWARE analogue synth, which Mic ‘Moogulator’ Irmer collected and used to develop quite a powerful concept. Based on a design similar to Roland’s classic Juno 60, a few modules and novel features could be added without making the product too expensive…

However, it soon became obvious that developing the hardware would have taken years, so I (Urs) offered to turn the core design into a freeware softsynth. That was late 2010. Only a few weeks later, TyrellN6 was out for beta testing! After some serious bug-fixing and fine tuning, the final release version became available in April 2011.

Version 3

In April 2013 we released TyrellN6 version 3, which now supports VST3. The new user interface was designed by Ryo Ishido.
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“Uhbiquitous FX Bundle

Uhbik is our fine collection of effect plug-ins for the discerning audiophile. Each surround-capable effect comes wrapped in a beautiful, streamlined interface. The entire bundle of nine effects is available now at an unbeatable price…

Meet the Family…

Four of these units (D, F, P, T) are modulation effects that include an ultra-slow to ultra-fast low frequency oscillator. LFO rate can be set to an absolute value (in seconds or Hertz), synced to host tempo (then scaled by a constant!) or swept manually / automated… Continue reading Uhbik

Ultra Analog

Ultra Analog VA-3

“What’s new

We have streamlined Ultra Analog and brought it to a whole new level.

NEW Home view

With macros mapped to key sound characteristics—modulation, timbre, envelope, and effect—the Home view presents a distraction free and laidback browsing and tweaking experience.

NEW Two-Voice Multitimbral

Ultra Analog VA-3 combines two independent timbres—stacked or split—to create performance-friendly, texture-full, and spacious sounds that are sure to make a good impression.

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