Category Archives: Analog



“Modules A-180-1 and A-180-2 are simple multi-connectors. They have eight inter-connected sockets, so that you can “multiply” any audio or control signal. From the factory the modules come as two four-fold multiples. But they can be modified as an eight-fold multiple (solder bridge on the pcb). Though these modules are very “primitive” they are required very often in patches (e.g. to distribute a clock signal or a control voltage). Within a big A-100 system sufficient multiples should be planned. The function of A-180-1 and A-180-2 is the same. The modules differ only in the front panel width. Continue reading A-180 MULTIPLES

A-188-1 BBD Module

A-188-1 BBD Module

“Module A-188-1 is a so-called Bucket Brigade Device module (abbr. BBD). BBDs have been used to delay audio signals before digital delays dethroned the BBD based effect units. But BBDs have some very unique advantages (or disadvantages dependent on the point of view) over the digital counterpart which result from the special properties of the BBDs. BBD circuits can be treated as a chain of Sample&Hold units (S&H) which pass on their voltages to the next S&H in the chain at each clock pulse. A more detailed explanation – including the different types of BBDs – can be found in following chapter.

Continue reading A-188-1 BBD Module

A-196 PLL Phase Locked Loop

A-196 PLL Phase Locked Loop

“Module A-196 contains a so-called phase locked loop (PLL). The basic PLL system is shown in the sketch at the bottom of this page. A PLL consists of three parts: voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), phase comparator (PC), and low-pass filter (LPF). All parts are normally connected to form a closed-loop frequency-feedback system. Continue reading A-196 PLL Phase Locked Loop

Dark Energy

Dark Energy III

“Dark Energy III is a monophonic stand-alone synthesizer with USB and Midi interface. It is the follower of the successful Dark Energy I and Dark Energy II. The sound generation and all modulation sources are 100% analog, only the USB/Midi interface contains digital components. Dark Energy III is built into a rugged black metal case with wooden side plates. High quality potentiometers with metal shafts are used and each potentiometer – except the filter mode control – is fixed to the case (no wobbly shafts and knobs). The distance between the controls is a bit wider compared to A-100 modules and knobs with vintage look are used.

Continue reading Dark Energy


Dark Energy, Dark Time,
MAQ 16/3, MS-404
