Category Archives: Halion

“HALion is the most comprehensive virtual sampling and sound design system available today and excels the present creative process for producers and sound designers in all areas.”

World Instruments

World Instruments


“From West African balafons to Japanese shakuhachis, from Shona kalimbas to Turkish tamburs, there is a whole new world of instruments out there waiting to be discovered in the form of World Instruments. Widen your horizons with over 60 melodic instruments from all over the world, and try out the accompanying tuning options to get a feel for musical styles and instruments you might not have known before. If you’re looking to create dynamic and evocative soundscapes, try the fully fledged arp section for even more inspiration.”


World Percussion

World Percussion


“World Percussion invites you to discover percussion instruments from all over the globe: try the ashiko from sub-Saharan Africa, an Irish bodhrán or the South Indian ghatam. Play one of the incredibly diverse drum and percussion kits included. There are kits that focus on specific countries, such as Brazil or Turkey, and ones that feature sets of specific instruments such as whistles and tubes. MIDI phrases can be imported and exported, while performance parameters such as groove and sound-shaping options give you even more creative options.”



Alto Glockenspiel, Amped Electra, AmpSimulator, Anima, Arpache 5, Apache SX, Auron, B-Box, Beat Designer, Chorder, Cubase, Dark Planet, Eagle, Electric Bass, FLUX, The Grand 3, Groove Agent, Guitar Harmonics, HALion, HALion Sonic, HALion Sonic SE, HALiotron, HSO, Hot Brass, Hypnotic Dance, ICONICA, LoFiPiano, LoopMash, Model C, Model E, ModMachine, MultiPanner, Mystic, Novel Piano, Olympus Choir Micro, Padshop, Prologue, Quadrafuzz, Raven, Retrologue, REVerence, Room Works SE, Skylab, Spector, SpectraLayers, StepDesigner, Stereo Delay, Studio Strings, Triebwerk, Trium, TRIP, Voltage, WaveLab, World Instruments, World Percussion
